Factory Seconds
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We’re proud of the quality of our boards. Unfortunately, it happens from time to time that certain boards do not meet our quality standards. Here you have the opportunity to buy boards that have visual defects. These have absolutely no influence on the handling characteristics or the durability of the boards. Possible defects are e.g. scratches or small air bubbles under the topsheet. Nothing serious but too much to sell at full price.
If they have other than just visual defects it is noted next to the board type.
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🚀 Price includes free shipping worldwide
If you would like us to grip your board, please add the following product to your shopping cart: Grip my board
Do you prefer to grip your board on your own and want us to add a pack of dark matter grip tape, then please add this article to your cart: 1 pack of dark matter with a board. You’ll find the grip options also as separate products below.